Now let us start with Custom Blogger theme installation, before installing the theme please backup your current theme. if you change your mind you can re-install your old backup theme.
Top Rank, your blogger post in google, write a minimum of 700 to 1000 words articles in your posts. your theme has to be mobile-friendly to visitors and google Adsense customization. Buy top-level domains link - XYZ, com, in, net, tech, online, and site. now you have to register your domain and blogger website in google search engine. google search engine indexed your posts and pages in one day and there is not be a copy-pasted article on your website if you do that your posts will not get index in the google search engine. If you don't have a domain or premium blogger template ( theme ) don't worry just follow the below instructions to get Rank your posts in the search engine.
We highly recommend copying the theme by opening the XML file and paste it into your blogger dashboard, this will help you to customize easily and avoiding duplicate widgets in main blog posts.
How To Blogger Template.
1) Open Theme Folder which you have purchased online or download offline link Basic Version or Resigned theme. Open The Xml File By Clicking The File Open With Note Pad Or Word Pad.
2) Now copy the all codes which you have open the XML file
3) Go to google and search blogger, visit the website, and log in with your email id.
4) After login, at the left drop-down menu of blogger. visit theme option and click on EDIT HTML
5) Now you may see blogger default theme delete all the codes in that, now paste the code you have copied.
6) Save the theme by clicking the save option in the top right side menu.
Meta Tags Setup Posts, Pages, and Blog
Meta is a piece of small and short information about your blog, posts, and pages with bits of help to find in search engine and social media posts. Meta tags are the things key for the web, google search council, and other web search tools. Meta tags keep posts and pages trend in search and via indexing and crawlers. to index your posts and pages in google create a property in search council in google.
Now Activate The Meta Tag
1) Go to blogger dashboard, go to settings scroll down and turn on the Tag Meta Option
2) Now fill your website search-related topics, ideas, and more. You have 150 Words to write in that box.
Posts And Page Search Description
Why should we add search descriptions in posts and pages, to index your posts and pages fast in google and rank your post in search engine? add tags related to that posts and pages. Search Description as the ranking signal strong. By adding correct SEO tags for your post search description, it will show your post in a is requested it's search engine or another posts-related page will below or above. It has a huge effect on your posts or pages CTR will show in google search engine results
How To Write Search Description In Blogger Posts and Pages
1) Create a new post or page add your articles about 500 to 800 words, now at the right side column, there will be a Post Settings at 5th one you may see Search Description write your tags in that Example - MediumUiDocumation, MetaTages, PostsTages, VideoTages, SEO, BloggerTipsandTricks, BloggerTemplates2022 and more. you have online 150 words to write in that
How To Add Related Posts
The most requested thing is how to related posts to visitors keep engaged to keep reading your other related posts in your written article, it is very easy to install in your posts just follow my instructions to add related posts code in your article post.
Just paste the below code in your post where you want to add the Related posts
<div class='postRelated'>
<!--[ Related title ]-->
<b>Read Also :</b>
<li><a href='link'>Create Blogger Website </a></li>
<li><a href='link'>VL Tech Official</a></li>
<li><a href='link'>Watch VL Tech Official Videos</a></li>
After replacing the postcode change the 'link' and add your related post link which you want to add in that and don't forget to change the tile of the post in that code.<div class='buttonInfo'>
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